Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year! What an intersting wish this year compared to last! Makes one think twice how lucky we all are to be saying that, and meaning it! This year again will be a year of many changes, many things we still cannot predict, all I think are positive, all should be good......

So everyone needs to be keeping their New Years exercise resolutions.....I missed one workout day due to surgery....slowly recuping getting less and less sore.....Hope everyone is not using excuses to be lazy!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Surprised I am still sore, after all its been a whole week! I have found one scholarship that I think I'm eligable to apply for....AARP womens scholarship....old womans scholarship! Guess I'm an old woman, the applications start in February and close in March, I figure its worth a try.....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas,its amazing to think of all the things which have changed in the last year.....saying 2009 was a year of trials, tribulations, changes, accomplishments, and and "victories " fought and won would be putting it mildly......2010 I have a feeling will have many changes as well........

Have had about all I can stand of "not doing much: pretty sure my body is ready to start gearing up again after suregery....after all it's been 5 days, plenty of time to heal, am doing a little more every day graduallyall feels good.....

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pretty sore, did easy workouts yesterday and today though.....everything seems to be healing well......

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Had surgery today, all in all not feeling too bad this evening after a 3 hour nap. Folded laundry, dishes, dinner....Oh ya, I'm supposed to take it easy...will get around to that. Wondering if tomorrow I will be real sore (kind of like what you feel like the day after a tough workout)...we shall see! Guess I may take a day off working out tomorrow, will see how I feel.....Everyone else needs to make sure you're not taking too many days off! It's always easy to find need to stop looking for them and start looking for opportunities!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dec. 21....Mine and Daves 24th wedding anniversary....who would have thought...24 who would have thought I'd be the one of all of our friends to get cancer...strange how things end up. Have to look at it this way....I am the strongest, healthiest, and most in shape (well probably) so therefore I am the one who could conquer it the best! Besides conquering it, I've received e-mails, and thank yous from so many people who have in one way or another been inspired, driven, or helped in some way by my fight......this is all good! Hopefully many others have benefitted from my experience!
Surgery most definitely on the downhill slide!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

First Day of Ski season today....felt awsome to get back on the slopes since last year the season was cut short with surgery Jan. 15......The muscle memory was pretty good....feel fortunate to have the health/ strength to go on the ski slopes (after a workout of course) and have such a great day!
One more surgery on hoping to recover quickly so as not to interrupt another ski if you didn't exercise today...whats your excuse? Not many very good ones out there!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All finals Finished! (100,100,100,100,98,96,95,90) not too shabby considering I didn't know If I would make it through this summer! A few days to get Christmas stuff done, finish first half of clinical rotation notes, then surgery on Tuesday......

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I KICKED A__! 100% on all practicals, 98% on the final! Only three more finals to go! Amazing how well a person thinks when there's no chemicals in the body!

Lymphedema survived the weekend and the drive as about the same

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 now freaking out about the weather forcast for Thursday since I'm driving to "the North Pole"...will be ecstatic when finals are over Tuesday.......

Lymphedema is "softening up with massage and cold laser therapy.....studying makes it worse.....I knew this school stuff was bad for you!

Found out today that at least I'll be getting a student loan....this will help....sure wish I could find some scholarship or granted reciprocity, but things are looking doubtful for all of these....anyone have any ideas let me know.....Actually now that all treatments are over, at least a "steady even part time job" would help....oh well, lots of people out there saying that same thing.....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Some one asked (Tony) why I don't use face book...I simply don't have time....barely have time to do this.....anyway...

....It was one year ago today that I was diagnosed officially with cancer, and what a year it has bee! Whocould have thought in their sildest dreams that things would be so different in so many ways.
1. who would have thought that I'd be representing Underarmor power in pink be on the Baltimore Ravens Football field during a game and be introduced to a roaring crowd. Be an expert at a festival, and have my picture in several magazines and sports stores.
2. Who would have thought I'd be in school AGAIN can't beleive I've made it this far.....all on chemo brain, and radiation.....hopefully it will all be worth it
3. Who would have thought my "former employer" would be such jerks (OK guess I could have guessed that one) not even returning phone calls and e-mails when I offered to come back to work....Their loss, they could have goten quite a bit of "good" publicity instead of what they've gotten.
4. Who would have thought, surgery, chemo, radiation, and everything else would have barely slowed me down....still working out and staying strong!
5. And who would have thought I'd be on TV not once but twice!
Through all of this I have to say it's shown me who friends and professionals are and who was "fake"(you all know who I'm talking about), using me for their purpose at the time. .....Not quite finished yet.
Reconstructive surgery Dec 22, have lymphedema in my right arm, am trying to "control" it....all in all though, can't complain!

Hope everyone got out and worked out today!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Finals coming up next weekend....stress level is increasing! Lymphedema is better, but still there, after 1 massage and 2 cold laser treatments. have some things I'm doing on my own as well.....lets hope the weather cooperates for the drive up to Astabula next well as the drive a little nervous about if I don't have enough to worry about with finals, just hoping I get there!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hope everyone enjoyed Sundays weather (25, mile bike ride for me!)Sounds like tomorrow (Tuesday) will be our last nice day...SO GET OUT AND DO SOMETHING! Figure with lymphadema the more my own muscles pump the fluid, the better I'll be......How fortunate I am that I have been able to keep those muscles strong and working well through all of this...OK maybe not quite as strong as before all of this began, but not too shabby.....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Continuing to learn......more than I ever wanted to know....

I do (unfortunately)have lymphedema in my right forearm and upper arm...its not terrible, but definitely there. I'm totally ticked that I have to deal with this (actually for the rest of my life) but one of my clients remined me that at least I have a "life" to be dealing with it...yes...its all perspective........but still irritated I have to deal with it. Hopefully I will be able to learn from this....hopefully will ultimately be able to help other people with this....after all, I will be getting the PTA license.....

I was just lucky asking one of the PT's who teaches at Mt. St. Joe who has done alot of lymphatic massage who gave me alot of info on it, she's actually going to do the lymph massage on me....this is awsome, I had a hard time even finding anywhere in Cinci, once I found some places, called, couldn't even get call backs or numbers were out of service.......So maybe this is all"in the plan" we shall see....One thing this therapist told me is people who have medicare who end up with this problem are only permitted 6 massage sessions total.....this is crazy...I will learn more......

Sunday, November 22, 2009

More "strange" things....a learning experience.......Over the last couple weeks have noticed that it seems like my pec muscles and upper arm muscles are getting tighter? Doesn't make since considering all treatments are finished. Have been aggressively stretching (surgeon said I could) and am noticing bruising (like theres's possibly scar tissue being stretched) in the chest and underarm area.....will have to ask about this.....Trying to keep any lymphadema at bay, tightness in the R forearm and upper right medial biceps area.....will have to keep a watch on this.......

Friday, November 20, 2009

Got a new "hair dew" today....a big thank you to Terry Jamie Murphys mom) I'm thinking the wig is history......will have the "short cut" for awhile, but the hair is golden blond.....maybe a tint of red in the right gray...that's good!

For what its worht I'M PISSED at the "council" who made the ridiculous recommendations on mamograms, breast cancer, self exams etc....If I or the other two girls were to follow that advice, all three of us would be DEAD! Hopefully insurance companies will not use this as an excuse to stop covering tests for women.....I'm awfully busy with school, but if this looks like something that is happening I may need to become ""more politically active".......we shall see.....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Next on the check off list.....Reconstructive surgery will be Dec. 22, (Merry Christmas) have to be there at 6am....gees will have to get up at 4:00 am just to work out before surgery! Sounds like I'll "be down" about a week -2 wks...(I'm thinking no more than 5 days....)we shall see......will be able to get my port out as well so I'll save myself a surgery....

Friday, November 13, 2009

More updates....Looks like I will be able to get surgery scheduled after my final exams Tues.. the 15th and before the end of the year......will have 2-3 "down days" possibly a week where I can't drive this will be determined, and 3 weeks of "taking it easy....moderate workouts......looks like things will work out!

Friday, November 6, 2009

> I just wanted to give everyone an update on things. I finished radiation> treatments on Thursday Oct 22.....right in time to go to my three day lab at> Kent State Astabula. I survived radiation fairly well(actually really well)> only receiving a couple minor burns and being way too busy to think about> getting too tired. Yesterday, Wednesday I saw the Oncologist, THE SCANS> ARE 100% clean! (no cancer anywhere). My white blood cell count is almost> back to normal (9.6, 10-14 is normal) and red blood cells and hemoglobin are> back to normal ! The Physician assistant and physician said said they> never have taken care of anyone who withstood all of the chemo,radiation,> surgery, etc. as I did since I got the maximum of everything.> All that I have left is a surgery (probably in December) and taking some> type of medication (yet to be determined ) for the next five years, plus of> course follow up scans periodically.>> I can now officially say I am a CANCER SURVIVOR....I didn't just survive> it, ERADICATED it! With the prayers, good wishes and help of so many of> you!>> All I can say is thank you once again to everyone I (and the family)> couldn't have done this without the support of all of you! Now that this is> almost over I can now admit, when this all started (after being diagnosed)> I have probably never been so terrified, and so stunned. From that day> until I had the surgery, it was hard to focus, hard to function, and a> whirlwind of "unknowns". (sorry to anyone who didn;t receive full attention> from me back then). Once I had the surgery, however, it was "GAME ON", and> this was one "competition" that I decided my body and mind would WIN! It's> been a long process (it will be a little over a year by the time I have> surgery), and at the start of it all seemed overwhelming, but as with so> many big challenges you just take things one step at a time......and just> keep checking things off the list.>> So again thank you to all of you who have given your support in so many> different ways. If I can be "of assistance" to any of you, please let me> know....also if you or a loved one or friend are faced with an> insurmountable challenge, let me know if I can help you get through it. You> just take things one step at a time, and look at that glass as half full> instead of half empty.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hoping everyone had a fun Holloween.....Skin has peeled and burns are gone....all is well, should have a great Dr. apt. Wednesday.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Beautiful weather...feeling great! Thanks to all who participated in the HVL Zoombathon we raised $ 1200 for cancer research!

Burns pretty much gone! Now getting a "tan". tough way to get a tan! Qouldn't recommend it.
Hair is growing back pretty quickly...thinking another month and the wig may be history!

Everyone enjoy.........we won't have this weather for long!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend lab is over....amazing how well a person can think when there are no chemicals in the brain! Burns are going way.

What beautiful weather today......28 mile bike ride today.....leaves are looking spectacular...hope everyone is getting out and enjoying this.......

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

LAST DAY OF RADIATION! One more thing checked off the list and completed! The Physician today said he is amazed at how well I withstood everything compared to any other patient he has had especially since I had both sides radiated. I did have to remind him that I am not like any patient he has had....he agreed!

Even though I am burned, with one area close to blistered, he said my symptoms are much less than any he has seen...,,all I can say is I'm sure happy that if this wasn't much, I didn't see anyhting severe!

Wed Nov. 4 will see the Oncologist. not sure whats after that hopefully NOTHING! Except the last surgeries. which won't be until early December.

I certainly know how to celebrate being done with radiation....will leave tomorrow for the next three day lab at Kent State, take lots of tests, midterms etc....oh boy, can hardly wait!

Everyone needsss to get out and enjoy this weather, hopefully I can get on my bike next week hopefully a little more time!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ravens game was really neat......was fun that the Bengals won, but since I worked with John Harboughs wife, I often root for whatever team he is coaching!

Only 4 more radiations....good thing I think my body has taken just about all it can handle, Have alot of red burns, and itchy skin,,,,still not as bad as chemo, but happy its soon to be over.....actually will get my last radiation then take off and drive to the 3 day lab.....what a way to celebrate!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

school is once again getting almost overwhelming with everything else going on. 7 more radiations to go! Skin is starting to get "burned" but its not terrible, itchy as well.......hopefully this will be about the worst!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Race yesterday went pretty good......I'm 10 minutes slower than college cross country........29 minutes for 5 K.....guess I'm gettinf old or something! guess it could have something to do with chemo, etc.......we'll see if I get it back! Getting ready to go to the Baltimore/ Bengals game......see everybody...I'll wave to you!

The festival Sat. was really awsome....lots of awareness and education going on out here! Under Armour is awsome! POWER IN PINK!

Friday, October 9, 2009

So here I am in Baltimore......must have been some kind of mistake. I'm in a suite, nice dining room table, couch, the whole shibang....maybe I'm having a party in my room and don't know it yet! Tomorrow is the run (I'm just doing the 5 K), also the here is supposed to be nice hopefully no rain.

Starting to get some mild reactin to radiations, red itchy skin, and feeling tight...not too bad though......

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another radiation down.....Only 12 more to far no side effects. This will be quite a big weekend! Flying out to Baltimore for Under Armour festival Friday and Saturday. Sunday myself and the two other girls will be down on the football field....sounds like we will be on NAtional who would have thought! They said I can't wear a Bengals jersy though.....Oh well, Jim Harbaughs wife is actually a friend I used to work with, so I end up cheering for the Ravens quite a bit anyway!

A friend said our pictures were in another magazine. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could spread the education of this didsease to everyone! Wouldn't it even be better if a vaccine were discovered to irradicate the disease! Maybe someday!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Found out that once you go to this link, ( the one listed in the last blog) then in the upper right hand corner you need to put "power in pink" in the search engine, once this page comes up click on the video which is on the left hand side of the page (its about the third one down).

Ch 19 did a wonderful job on the video.

Another 5 mile run today.....the weather has been outstanding for workouts....if you can't do alot, do just a little.....5 minutes four times a day adds up to 20 minutes.......20 minutes is better than no minutes.......pretty soon you'll get to 10 minutes!

A neighbor brought over Shape magazine today. A full page add with myself and the two other girls the whole issue is about breast cancer.......

Friday, October 2, 2009

So here's the link to the Ch. 19 story....I'm not exactly a computer wiz, I can't find it on this link? Don't know if anyone else can?

Had a CAT scan today.....I am sure it will come out great!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Things definitely on the upswing for endurance, fitness, etc.....Ran a 5 milr route that's a slight downhill for the first half, but when you turn aroun it's obviously a slight uphill the whole way is the first time I have done the whole thing with no break during the uphill! All this while having radiation daily, having a cold and very little sleep.......Coming back! Hope you are doing things to "keep up!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

All big tests are finished,,,,96% on one...have to "argue "some questions on the other but all in all went well! Happy this is over....on to more homework!
Will be on ch 19 10:00 on Thurs. evening (past my bedtime) but hopefully will have a link.
Caught a cold yesterday....hopefully it won't materialize into anything more! Not feeling the best, but radiation is still going fine!

Take advantage of the cool weather!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Actually got out in between rain, studying, radiation, and clients to run today....if you haven't done anything what's your excuse? So far radiation isn't affecting me much in fact ran the whole 5.5 mile route today without stopping! Feeling stronger every day......maybe this radiation is something they used on Superman!

Will be on TV again with Under Armour power in pink promo ch 19 not sure when it will air!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

yes....I know its been a week since I checked in. Things are getting busier with school, teaching at Mt. St. Joe, seeing clients, clinical rotations, Dustins soccer, and radiation. Radiation is going fine, no side effects, as of yet! Probably the biggest "side effect" trying to fit it into my schedule! I told the Radiation Tech, that the Doc will have to wait for me onWednesdays since his "late day" he stays until only 3:00...they didn't quite know what to think of that....Was there by 3:15 today....he was there! SAid skin and everything looks good. 10 radiations down.....18 more to go!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

SO far so good with radiation....not getting tired at all yet. School is causing fatigue due to lack of slep more than radiation at this point!

So leave it to me to once again have something totally unusual occur. I actually had an allergic reaction (itchy red bumps) from the prescription cream I was given to put on the areas where I'm having radiation....of course the Doc/techs have never seen this before.....once again more unusual occurances with I'm just using aloe vera.....

Beautiful exercise weather continues....GET OUT THERE AND DO IT!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It has been a few days since I've "checkedin" am sorry school has started again and so I'm starting to get busy....teaching college as well as being a student. Weather has been wonderful for workouts! Hope everyone is taking advantage!

Seem to be getting stronger every day, two radiations down 26 to go! so far so good! This will probably be cumulative as well, just like the chemo....still have 9 purple finger nails....haven't lost any yet....we shall see.......

Sunday, September 6, 2009

2 weeks after chemo ends with decadron and I finally slept last hoping this is the beginning of a streak. Strange that I'm still having side efects from chemo.....almost all my finger nails are purple underneath and still painful to pressure....still not sure if I'll lose them....finger tips still numb, and toes and the bottum of my feet are still numb. Hoping all of these side effects will go away soon. Amazingly powerful drugs.......Will probably start radiation next more thing to "fit into the schedule"......

Saturday, September 5, 2009

still waiting for surely will come soon......

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So here's the web site.....I'll have an article published on their site in about 3 weeks because I am one of their Fitness and Health experts......If only I could sleep......insomnia is getting rough....all from the chemo after effects......

Sunday, August 30, 2009

weather is awsome, get out and do something! Workouts are going better, getting my energy back.....will be up to everybody else's speed soon, hopefully, radiation won't "knock me down" Will let everyone know when I see something on the Unerarmore WEb site.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Saw the Radiology Oncologist today, I have an appointment on Monday to have Measurements for radiation....It will start by the end of that week, or the next week. Every day for 5 weeks (M-F) what a pain....trying to figure out how it will fit into my schedule. Guess I'll have to make it work somehow! He thinks I will only need radiation on one side, not both. He's going to consult with my other two Doctors. We shall see......

Sunday, August 23, 2009

hope all of you are enjoying this cool workout weather! Sent my article in for the Underarmore web site. They seemed to like it so hopefully it will sound good when published. One more chemo. Classes that I teach start Tuesday. Will be a little rough the first week with the insomnia chemo causes.....oh well will survive.....

Friday, August 21, 2009

hope everyone has enjoyed the mild weather for their hanging in there, had to go back to sleep this morning after getting up....nights of no sleep are catching up....only biked an hour this morning instead of the planned 2 hours.....hey give me credit for "listening to my body"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ugh! The decadron in the chemo is keeping me up all night and wearing me down...will be happy when I can sleep again. Am losing toenails and probably fingernails as well.....Guess if that's the most I lose battling cancer that's not too bad.....hope everyone else is doing well......

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Went into chemo today...saw the Oncologist, he was amazed and impressed the the completion of the 25 credit hours! Apparently the nurse miscounted a couple weeks ago and I still have one more left next week (UGH) hopefully my fingernails, tremaining toe nails will hang on.......I can tell they are all being affected.

Looks like I will have the featured article for the Underarmour fitness expert web sight, will post the web site on the blog so all of you will be able to get to it. Start teaching classes at Mt. St. Joe next week.......never any down time here....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sure was awsome this weekend to not be studying......had forgotten what a normal weekend/ life was....oh yes normal except for cancer! anyway had a chemotherapy is over/passed my classes celebration over the weekend hwhat fun...and what wonderful supportive people I have behind me through all of this....I thank all of you. LAst chemo is Tuesday.

Got stung by a little yellow jacket wasp this morning...ugh! As many of you know I'm allergic to the I don't die, just swell like a ballon. It literally chased me down for no reason and stung me on the back of the thigh. Was hoping I had enough chemo drugs in me that it wouldn't swell....wrong was the size of a softball within 45 min. of being stung. I even took bendril immediately, plus have had ice on it the whole time.....One good thing about seeing the Oncologist so much I was able to call in and they immediately called in a step down predazone pack.......hey lemonade out of lemons right!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Life after 25 hrs in 8 wks is hectic but, happy to be a part of it! Found out not only did I pass, but got a B in all the classes.......not too bad for chemo brain! This just goes to show everyone out there that if you dig deep (and I did have to dig really deep) you can do just about anything you put your mind to! How many times I wanted to give up, but decided to just dig the heels in deeper! Am actually looking forward to telling the Oncologist about this, since he was somewhat hesitant about the whole thing saying most people are just happy to "function" through chemo.......hasn't he figured out yet I don't think I'm "most people?"
And oh yes......still "fighting the cancer"....I really think I've totally won that one...ready to move on to something else. 1 more chemo left then hopefully I will be able to sleep some normal hours. while undergoing daily radiation treatments.
I will be a fitness/ health expert for the /underarmour web site, will try to put this site on the blog. They are flying me out to Baltimore in October for a Health/fitness festival where they want me to be one of their "experts". Check out Dicks sporting goods or other stores featuring power in pink starting in picture along with the two other girls (Ugh they are much younger than me) will be there with the merchandise.......hope I had at least one good picture......

Monday, August 10, 2009

Only one more chemo left!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

NO I have not fallen off the face of the earth! I just completed my 2nd three day intensive lab with the ATC-PTA program I'm in.....I am thrilled to say that I PASSED everything! I am "in the program now"'s hopefully a downhill slide from here! I have been studying "non stop" been out of town twice for three days, four days, and three days in the last three weeks so things have been busy! Will have more classes but hopefully not as intense (25 credit hours in 8 weeks).

2 more chemo's to go....they have not been bad except the decadron keeps me awake for 2-3 days/ nights at a time. This is tough when trying to have a functional brain....but I DID IT!

Beleive me I thought about quiting more than once but guess QUIT is not in my vocabulary! All I need to do now is pay for the school if they won't grant me in state tuition.

Will find out about radiation tomorrow...will stay tuned!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

......ohhhh "what a long strange trip its beeeeeen......" Just back from a spinning class with Shanna (from Underarmour) in Baltimore...... THey've treated all three of us girlss and our spouses fantastically....had a thousand pictures taken in the photo shoot.....hopefully O will look decent in one of them......if you go into Dicks sporting goods or Nordstroms or anyplace else where they feature the Underarnour Power in Pink product line, you will see the picture of all three of us! They have asked me to be an expert health professional on their web site! They also are interested in having me appear at different educational events to talk about the benefits of exercise, eating right, nd how that helps with fighting cancer and dealing with exciting is this? Something I've always wanted to do.....just had to get cancer to do it I guess! Making an opportunitity out of an obstacle! Detter go take a shower now!

Everyone get in a workout today!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Can you beleive the cool weather! Good for working out...not so good for swimming and you may as well work out...Right! If you get in the water, you better swim just to stay warm! Swimming laps has been a much harder experience than I could have imagined after the surgery.....Oh well, guess I have to look at it from the standpoint that at least I'm doing something....just not as well as I used to! THis I think will be better by next year.....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Have had no more problems with clots, etc....all is good! 4 weeks down (and passed) 4 weeks to go for this accelerated ATC/PT bridge program, life is now studying and more studying. Will leave onThursday for the Underarmour contest winners photos, etc. THis should be an experience. Dave and I are looking forward to it. Bummed I will miss Alex's play in Batseville though.

Chemos have been relatively uneventful, almost no side effects....except they make your brain a little fuzzy and keep me up the night after. Other than that it's just one more thing to fit into the schedule.....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Soooo hope everyone is hanging in there.....I certainly am. and its been much harder than I could have imagined.
On a good note, I the Docs thought I had a blood clot Monday my knee. lower leg swelled, had to wait until Wed to get chemo, didn't have the blood clot, but now the swelling has moved down into my ankle.......oh well things could be worse!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

hope everyone had a wonderful rained here all day so at least I didn't mind studying as much. I have decided studying and chemo don't mix too well....but I will persevere.

I continue to barely be phased by the chemos except for the fact I can't sleep. hopefully this will change soon. Noticing however, I'm more tired in workouts. Whether from lack of sleep, or chemo I don't know but lets face it if this is all I have to complain about....I'm doing great!

everyone keep up your own workouts!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

BUSY...BUSY......BUSY......Chemos are making me "hyper" the night after can't sleep at all but can't think or study either....not a good combo! Other than that so far so good.....will find out more about the underarmour thing I guess this week......

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Having a harder time finding time now for the blog...will do my best to keep up.......OK am pretty much "done" with this whole cancer thing.....what do I mean....OK I am convinced I have it beat and all of this chemo and the radiation I'm going to have are just "icing on the cake", right! Have started an accelerated Physical Therapy license program two yrs of schooling in 11-14 months....I will have no life other than books for quite awhile.....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chemo again tomorrow....hopefully it will take less time, and there will be minimal side effects like last time!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hope everyone is taking advantage of this awsome exercise weather! Was very tired Friday night after a full day and Thursday chemo slept 10 hours but woke up Saturday to an 18 mile bike ride!
PA said this chemo may be cumulative so have to take advantage of feeling good when I can!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

First chemo od the new series far so good, was a stroke judge at a swim meet immediately after, will see how I feel tomorrow.....

Got some big news on another fron....I've been admitted into the ATC-PTA bridge program at Kent State Astabula which means I'll be able to sit for PTA license in about 1 year. Frankly irritates me I have to do this, but the way the health care lobbyists and laws are I frankly can't get a decent job without this license....if only I had been able to foretell the future 20 yrs. if anyone has any ideas of "older woman" scholarships, financial assistance, how I can get them to give me reciprocity so I don't have to pay out of state tuition let me know.....hope this is worth it....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So I guess most of you by now saw the interview on TV. All in all I didn't sound unitelligent, and didn't look too bad (although I agree T.V. does add 10 lbs.....I am not quite that "bulky" as I looked). Anyway I am a little dissapointed that they didn't include any of my message about the importance of proper nutrition, keeping the body in an alkaline state, the need for water, etc, oh well. can't have everything.

A huge thank you to Laura and Shane Sweat for the use of their awsome training facility they own the sweattshop right off Cornell Rd. in Blue Ash. go to their web site for more info!

If anyone is reading this and has gone through surgery, cancer, etc. and would like more info, help with exercise, or words of encouragement feel free to let me know. After all we are all in this together!

New chemo tomorrow, hope it goes OK.....

Monday, June 8, 2009

sooooo....rode about 20 miles both Saturday and Sunday, the great weather was too much to miss. Hope you did something.

Anyone see the ch 19 news? Its on again between 8:30-9 and sometime on the 10:00 news. Seemed prettty decent, although they didn't include anything about the nutrition part that I talked about for a good 5 min (I thought the reasons for keeping your body in an alkaline state and how raw veggies and water do thatbiologically was pretty interesting...guess they didn't), but all in all not bad.....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Could we ask for more perfect weather for exercising outside? I don't think so! Get your shoes on and go for a walk...or hike...or bike.....there's never been a better time thatn today to get started.....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hello all...think I got the ch 19 times slightly wrong,it will be this Monday 6:30-7 am then again 8:30-9 am, then 10:00 news sometime.....Hopefully it will be edited so that any who see it will realize that no matter what they are facing they can do things themselves to make things better, even if its just a little bit, that nutrition is vital in this whole process, and that all women are at risk for breast cancer, even if they do all the right things just because they are women, but doing all the right stuff will make them stronger to fight it if they get it......

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The 24 hour walk for inspiring, yet touching this was....once again you think you've got it can always find people with stories much worse than your own.

As my younger son Alex and I walked the survivor/caregiver lap he announced it would take alot more than cancer to bring his mom down....and he is RIGHT! So the fight goes on....

On a more positive note, channel 19 in Cinci interviewed me today, they also interviewed the reconstructive surgeon. Am not sure how it will be edited, how I will sound, or look...hopefully I will sound somewhat intelligent, and look halfway decent . It will air this coming Monday from 7-7:30 am, again between 8-8:30 am, then again on the 10:00 news.....hopefully there will be some people out there inspired that they can do more than they ever thought possible, and there will be a little education as well.....we'll see what gets edited.....

Friday, May 29, 2009

Will soon be leaving to walk in the American Cancer Society 24 hr. walk for cancer (no I'm not walking 24 hrs). Figure this is the least I can do considering my circumstances....we have a big team, the boys and several of their friends are walking too so it should be fun, yet eye opening for all.
What a wonderful thing it would be to be able to detect cancer at it's most minute form, then be able to irradicate it before it happens so people won't have to deal with what I'm going the saying go's "when the going gets tough the tough get going" we will be going now to do some walking!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Am continuing to feel better......Hope all of you have been getting your workouts in. Wrote an article for the Cancer survivor stories the Lawrenceburg Journal is doing, figured I could inspire some people who might be feeling down and out about their situation. Will also be participating with the boys and "Hoosier Buddies" in the American Cancer association walk which starts on Friday and ends on I'm not spending the night but figure the least I can do to beat cancer is walk some laps...maybe run quite a few on Sat morning for my workout......

Monday, May 25, 2009

my e-mail

Hope everyone is hanging in there....I've been doing my best, but I do have to say the combination of chemo, a cold, more chemo then (almost)bronciitis with a bad cough at night has really thrown me a 1-2 punch. This last week I have probably been more tired, than I have ever been sice this whole thing began...too tired to even write this blog....anyway, now on antibiotics (how any germs can live in my body I have no idea). I even missed a couple workouts because I needed to sleep......the whole rest thing is isn't in my nature....thinking I'm finally starting to get better.....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So far so good with last chemo,,,not even tired yet! Have some big opportunities possibly in the horizon if things work out right.....will keep you posted but once again.....turning obstacles into opportunities!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Last chemo of the 6 tomorrow! Incase you didn't get an e-mail I'm going to participate in the American Cancer Society Walk SoooooIf you want to sponsor me let me know!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hope all of you are exercising in this weather......cold is getting better......

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hope everyone has enjoyed the nice weather! I've either come down with a touch of a cold or am suffering from some allergies....either way it sure does make one tired while on chemo....."rest" seems to be the bst medicine (with a little exercise that is!)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Feeling better every day just a little fatigue left from the chemo......did a bike ride out past North Dearborn Library today (1 hour 15 min round trip) had to take it a little easy still...hope you did something today!

Different parents will especially get a kick out of last night there I was trying to check my 4th graders adding and subtracting unlike fractions, and story problems....first of course he has to remind me how to do this, then I'm checking his answers and I'm asking him why he doesn't show his work, his answer,"well mom I do it all in my head it's easier that way. What's up with this...I can't even do this in my head, I have to write that moment I've decided that this is ALL the fault of the's affecting my brainpower, Right? Irregardless....that's my defense and I'm sticking to it....P.S. I made him go back and write out several anyway!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Awfully rough Saturday.....probably the worst one yet! Happy that one is over with. Hope everyone got out to enjoy the weather this weekend, wish I could have on Saturday and Sunday but the chemo "got me" this time.....on the downhill slope now!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Am I worn out.....Chaperoned Alex's 4th grade class on a field trip to "Friendship" it was pretty good, kids seemed to have a good time...did this two days after chemo....and oh, I did wake up at 5:20 this morning, couldn't go back to sleep, so decided I may as well get up at 5:45 and do a workout before the day use wasting time laying in bed mad because I couldn't go back to was an easy workout though!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

one more chemo more to go......on the downhill slide........Have had more blood cell count didn't go up....but it didn't go that actually is a victory. DR. asked how I'm doing,, told him I have less endurance when running my5-6 miles runs, but that I schedule my chemo's on Wednesday so I can go to a one hour spinning class before chemo, then lift weights. He said in other words I'm doing fantastic.

He said that I am maintaining my fitness level while going through the roughest chemo, and that is great. I actually reminded him that I'm actually not maintaining because my max VO2 is not as high as it used to be, but am doing what I can.....He looked up from writting his notes, smiled, shook his head and reminded me that I am going through chemo, and haven't missed a workout, that maybe I might want to give myself a little break. that my red blood cells are lowand I'm still maintaining. He has decided that if we don't kill the cancer with the drugs that I'm going to run the cancer out of my body with my workouts......just wants me to be sure I don't run my body too hard, I will continue being "conservative" when I need to.

We talked about nutrition as well...he agrees it's vital...wishes more people would follow good habits.

Talked with him about a probable interview I will end up havinf in the American College of Sports Medicine Journal (will keep you informed). HE really wants me to add that women just like me need to be made very aware that even if they do EVERYTHING RIGHT that this doesn't give them the "gold pass" that they won't get cancer...specifically breast cancer.....he has Basically just being female is a big risk women who are fit and healthy just simply can't ignore it they have to be proactive, and if they are positive for cancer, they are miles ahead of the game because they are strong, fit, healthy and ready to fight it....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Such beautiful weather. just makes you want to go outside and exercise...doesn't it? Wondering if my iron is higher. Appreciating feeling so good! This too will end in a few days and the cycle will start over again.....

Get out and move...while the weather is still nice.....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ahhhh...How I love the week before much energy (actually just feel normal). Awsome weather today, bike ride around Shawnee Lookout Forest and through Cleves....1 hour and 30 minutes...not too bad! Not sure think it's about 25 miles......
.......So what Have you done today? Better be something .........

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More energy today than I've had in a month.......maybe the increased iron intake is making a difference! Did an hour spinning workout followed by weights. Was even able to push myself during spinning, and am not tired at all this wonderful is that!

Hope all of you are keeping your workouts going in this less than hospitable weather!

Chemo #5 next week....I'm on the downhill slide (of these anyway).......only my workout clients will appreciate the downhill slide!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

HAve had a hard time finding time to even post a team I'm coaching (Destination Imagination) made it to the State Finals They did awsome but didn't make it to Global finals (I am somewhat releived....I would have had to move my last chemo if they had made it). PAin meds before and after "fills" made things a little better...was able to function, drive to Indy for the competition, and function Saturday at the competition as well! Was short of breath with chest pains there was no "space" for awhile...must be what it feels like to have a heart attack.

Stayed with a college roomate and her family...a full workout room at her awsome was this? Got her eliptical warmed up for her Saturday morning.

Anyway I have found a couple cereals that are 100% RDA of iron so am eating this...will have time now to get back to some of this info. I do feel like I have more energy already....might be psychological....

Monday, April 13, 2009


So the chemo continues to destroy my red blood cells along with the cancer cells , which in turn makes me anemic, and more tired....becomes a viscious cycle I will be trying to stop. After much ressearch I have found a couple iron fortified cereals (smart start and post grape nuts trail mix) that contain 90-100% of RDA for iron...Spinach, red beans,lentils with rice, and some of the "health drinks contain 10-15% of RDA's, and Whole grain flax seed bread contains 15% of RDA's...yes I know red meat especially liver has alot....but I just can't deal with the Since I previously have been getting 100% of my RDA of iron yet my RB counts keep dropping I obviously need to get above and beyond the RDA for iron.

I will hopefully find out from a dietician how much extra I will need and of course we have to make sure I'm getting enough Vit.C which aids in iron absorption, and that milk products (cereal with milk) are not inhibiting the iron absorption....never thought chemo wars would be so complicated! But if we can figure all of this out it will hopefully help others in the future!

Stay tuned!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

still feeling chemo effects......things will get better....Easter is going to be nice weather so get out and enjoyit....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

chemo # 4 down....only 2 more of these to go.....Went to take a nap last night at 6:00....slept straight through to 7:30 this morning......felt good enough to do an easy 18 mile bike ride today....not too bad for the day after chemo.....

What did you do today for exercise? should have done something...not many excuses wll qualify!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So here it is April 7, and it's 25 degrees and snowing....what's up with that? Indiana weather at it's finest. So are you getting tired of your indoor workouts? Try some cross training. Today I alternated the eliptical with hard punching and kicking on the "heavy bag" punching bag....actually it's pretty fun. If you happen to have one try it, or just hold weights in your hand power off your legs and punch holding the weights.

Things have "healed up" from the surgery,obviously, since I can pound on the heavy bag....Too bad I have chemo tomorrow, since I was so strong in my workout today. Oh well.....the three week cycle will start again......

Friday, April 3, 2009

Am sorry I haven't checked in for a few youngest (Alex) is in a play at College of Mt.St. Joe (Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat) and have been with him at practice/performance every day since Monday from 5:30-9:30......It's all over Sunday.

Anyway, so I go out for a run Wednesday in Sharon Woods.....and what's the deal , why are my legs so tired (did an easy workout on Tuesday after the bike ride Mon. ) well I did figure out that the first half of my run was uphill against the wind, it was amazing how easy the second half on the way back was! After all it surely couldn't be from the chemo or that I'm getting old!

Had a revelation.....a friend said something about,"well when things get back to normal let me know....." Guess it suddenly occurred to me that I have to make a new definition of what normal is for me......I will be going through chemo, radiation, etc through frankly, there will be no "normal " for quite a long time and even normal after all of that will certainly not be what used to be considered normal for me.

Bottum line is all of us have to roll with the punches, no matter what detours life throws at us, we need to constantly redefine "normal".....Make an opportunity out of an obstacle!" Keep on keeping on because "normal" will constantly be evelving into a new definition.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So did you know you can ride your bike from Lawrenceburg (Ivy Tech lot) to Rising Sun in 50 minutes against the wind and 40 minutes back with the wind at your back? I found that out today....decided to ride on the bike path but it was too short, so just decided to keep riding and ended up going to Rising Sun...have always wanted to do that ride, and why you ask? Don't know guess just because it was an interesting challenge....
cleocat....I don't know how to respond to your comment on the blog, but any way I can help? Which hospital? My Masters is in Ex phys with over 20 yrs. experience, send me your e-mail if you would like.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Was able to run/ work out 3 out of 4 days...the 4th day we just hiked.....not too bad....have found out how important "stellar" nutrition is in avoiding some of the minor chemo side effects 4 days of no raw veggies, not much fruit, probably not enough water, and drinking some wine has produced the dreaded "mouth sores" that I've not had until now...Sunday I'm back on the water, veggies, and fruit wagon and the sores have almost disappeared by Mon. and learn....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

OK all you's your challenge.....last night did 3 sets of 15 push ups (boy push ups on my toes) as part of my upper body workout (after teaching interval step class) this is just over two months post cheating allowed....can you take this challenge? (Keep your body swaying back)...will be gone till Sunday, probably not much opportunity to work out, so nows your time to catch up!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Today as I once again feel better after chemo, I realize one of my biggest fears while I'm "sick" is that I will not feel better, that I will continue to feel this way until the chemo is over completely, and I know I just wouldn't be able to handle's probably not rational, but frankly there's not a whole lot rational about this whole situation! When these thoughts enter my head, I just try to push them out and "keep the faith".....three times now I have felt better by the end of day 4 so there's no reason this trend should not continue.......

On a different note, I saw on the news today that there will be a 100 mile bike ride fron Columbus OH to (I think) Athens to raise money for cancer research, it will be held August 29. The promoters are saying LAnce Armstrong will be riding in this. This should be about right when my 12 weeks of chemo are finished....I'm going to ask the Oncologist if I can participate in it....anyone else interested? If not you can sponsor me if I get permission.... Now obviously, we won't be keeping up with LAnce unless he's riding a tricycle, but this might be something awsome to participate in....will keep everyone posted

Sunday, March 22, 2009

And what a beautiful day to get your exercise program started! Day 4 after chemo, about 75% but did go biking out by Shawnee Lookout Forest.....did uppper body weights closing in on before surgery strength with pec press, flys are getting stronger as well!

HAVE YOU DONE YOUR EXERCISE TODAY? If not, there's not a whole lot of viable excuses!

On those days immediately after chemo when I'm feeling weak/sick I just have to remember that things do get better, just be patient....not unlike what all of us deal with daily......we all have to be patient sometimes and realize every schedule is not under our control...for all of us "Moms" out there that's tough to swallow sometimes considering we are the "masterminds" of schedules.....Lets ALL remember this, it will help us keep our sanity.....

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Things once again are starting to "look better", just like "the weather in Indiana" if you stick around for vey long it will change too.......Still felt pretty fatigued this morning, could only muster up a 60 min walk in the "hills of Hidden Valley" today, but as the days rolls on, seems all is getting brighter....pretty much par for the course.....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sort of a tough night last night and tough day today from the chemo......only easy eliptical and weight workouts today. Was able to go to Alex's young authors party at school, even though I didn't feel the best, it was worth going to! Headache is now starting once again.........but things could be worse! At least I'm functioning.....just not 100%

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

HAd chemo number 3 today, it is amazing how"normally healthy" most people are getting chemo all around me. I am sure they all have a story to tell and I would love to hear them.
My blood numbers are continuing to come back good, this is good. I asked hoe they determine if the chemo is working are there tests? blood work? I was surprised by the answer, they unfortunately don't have a definitive trst for my types of breast cancers.....seems crazy that they don't/ They just have to hit the cancers as hard as they can and through "good living, good prayers, positive vibes " we have to hope this treatment kills it all......just seems so "lame",,,,I'm one to want concrete numbers and concrete results, and umfortunately with this it sounds like I don't get any.......
Doctor is still impressed with my reactions to chemo/////I'm his star pupil.....said I could run in the 10K which is part of the flying pig......Won;t let me do the triathlon first weekend in June.....I can live with that......

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Once again out biking in thr great weather....rode from the house on the loop around Shawnee loookout Forest, through Cleves and back home up the big "dam" hill of HVL (not sure of the mileage)......Seems the wind once agin blew against me going all directions....but that's Ok it'll just make me stronger!
Have thought many times since this all began how fortunate I am I can still do these things I love to do, inspite of the chemo, inspite of the cancer. Someone asked at church today why do I keep working out through it all?....I have to think that every workout makes me stronger, and the stronger I am, the weaker the cancer will be!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Another "inspirational talk" to a church group...many have told me that I have a very powerful message, am hoping and looking forward to continuing to share it....just wanting to figure out how to get my message out!

Ran six miles yesterday......time 54 minutes, not quite as fast as I used to do for a training run (about 5 min. slow), is it because I'm fighting cancer and going through chemo or is it just because I'm old? I guess we will see once I'm colmpletely finished with all of my the end the last 3/4 of a mile I started feeling that "runners high" that some of you probably have felt's that feeling that you have a second wind, was actually able to charge up the last two hills....this was awsome, I haven't felt this for a long time. Getting stronger while having chemo and fighting cancer....I think I am...that is good, just getting stronger to run the cancer into the ground!

And what a difference a day makes, had a "fill"again today to continue stretching the skin....took a valium, percocet, and vicadin to try to manage the finally let up after about 1 1/2 hours....I think this is just about as painful as the post surgery! Oh well, again, if this is the worst, I can handle it.

Finally the weekend is sounding promising...if you haven't got that exercise in you have your last chances tomorrow for this know this annoying pain is not going to stop me....just have to work around it. and be thankful you're able to do "something" because there are many out there who can't!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have just started reading LAnce Armstrong's book "It's Not About the Bike" (ITs his battle against cancer)I certainly don't put myself into the same category as him...nowhere close....but I am floored at the many similarities between my blogs, my "Chronicles" that I am writing, and the quotes and story in his book so far........
he was told at a young age he had a "chip on his shoulder" My 4th grade teacher said that about me as well,......he was "driven" to train. so was I (too bad I wasn't as successful as him in sports performance..... ) He told his Oncologist that maybe the chemo wasn't brutal enough,maybe he wasn't sick enough from the chemo...I asked my Oncologist if we could move the treatments to every two weeks instead of every three....because maybe I was feeling too good, was there a more intense treatment to kill the cancer?.....He told the Surgeon to cut out all the cancer...I told mine to rip it all out no matter what, right before I went under.......He said as long as he keeps moving during chemo, then somehow he would be less sick, ....I've said exactly the same thing, that it will make me stronger.....he compares battling cancer to battling on the bike races...I'm comparing it to running and training......and finally at the end of his press conference when he announces that he has cancer his final statement is, "I'm determined to fight this disease, and I will win" final statement in the inspirational talk that I give is,"I have never had a better team backing me than the one I have now and we will win."
And yes he won........and we will win too! I'll just end up making everyone else stronger who comes in contact with me so they will win their challenges as well!
So here it is another beautiful day. I rode my 20 miles on my bike today....what did you do? I'm challenging everyone reading this to exercise for at east 30 min four times this can add up your time or do it all at once. All of us should be thankful we are healthy enough to be able to exercise!
Next time you're sore from lifting wts. or from too much activity instead of complaining about it, be happy to be able to be sore! Take your obstacle, whatever it is, and make it an opportunity!!!!
Again some have asked how to respond to the Blog....well don't exactly know, so here's my e mail address, feel free to e-mail me if you want to phone me call my cell 812-584-3718

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Missed my first day working out since Surgery yesterday.....all day in Indy with my younger sons DI team. Made up for it today though 20 mile bike ride and upper body wts. 10 miles of the ride all against the wind! Hope the rest of you took advantage of the weather this weekend!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

So here it is Thursday one week after the white blood cell shot....the one they said would make me sore......well I was really sore today...sore glutes, sore quads, don't think it was from the shot though....probably from the class I taught Tues.evening (really worked the legs), and the 5 mile run, and the spinning workout on Wednesday......nope don't think it was from the shot!

I went to the community center, the cardiac rehabers were in there doing their phase 3 and 4 cardiac rehab, brought back so many memories from grad school, and the EPA I loved doing cardiac rehab, they are a fun group, ....I'm sure they were, looking at me like I was nuts...if only they had known I too was recovering, just at a different level than them....the important thing was all of us were in there doing our best......

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Saw the reconstructive surgeon yesterday and once again my left arm, side is very sore....who would have thought "stretching" would be so painful! But did it stop me from working out? No it didn't like alot of things "you just work around it!"

Sounds like our weather is finally going to start warming up, a good time for everyone to catch some extra exercise!

Also received info from genetic testing I'm not a carrier of the brc1 or brc2 gene ....this is good, unfortunately the sciience just isn't sophisticated enough to discover what caused my cells to mutate and what type of genetic component was involved....oh well will just have my genetic code in the genetic bank for further research......

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day #4 after chemo....looks like most of the side effects are going away.....just a mild headache all day....not enough to stop a decent workout! The wig "came out" today.....a little hair left but it's so thin my head gets cold! Don't know how bald guys do it!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Rough one today! Chills, achy, but I have to look at it this way, the Oncologist said this chemo is the worst of all (after these 6 I'll have chemo once a week for 12 weeks, then radiation 15-30 days), and if this is the worst, well then I've got this BEAT!
This is Not any worse than whole body soreness after a triathlon! Been there, done that, and I will do it again.....I'll just be back stronger than ever!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

THe day after chemo #2....not too bad, seems to be starting like last time nauscious in the morning and the evening, (haven't been able to eat since about 4:00)but Ok during the middle of the day. After I took a couple pills this morning was OK by 10:00.
Went biking outside for the first time after surgery. Went to the bike trail to be on the safe side I was a little worried my upper body wouldn't be strong enough to control the bike...alas....these worries were for naught! Didn't do too bad 16 miles in an hour.

Take home message....I biked for an hour the day after chemo...if I did more than you today, you better get yourself in gear tomorrow after all you can't let a person with cancer and chemo do better than you!

Am I inspiring any of you yet?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tomorrow is the next chemotherapy.
Had to get a short haircut on Sunday.....thanks again to my many friends. Actually some people who didn't know what I was going through told me they really liked the new short look....told them not to get used to it either because this hair will probably be gone in a week or so....

I'm sure everyone has been doing their workouts...RIGHT. Did a 5 mile run this morning will teach class again this evening. Was surprised was a little tired on the run, after all I did an easy 45 min session on the eliptical followed by easy wt. training yesterday because it was a planned easy day after three hard days of workouts.....Could the cancer and treatments be making me more probably I'm just old and maybe need two easy days instead of one! Nontheless the important thing is just remember doing something is better than get going and do something!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

you know sometimes you just have to decide if you're going to look at the glass and decide if it's half empty or half full.....Yes I do get tired of always being in some pain (still from the surgery), yes /I think the hair is starting to fall out(from the chemo), yes I would like to be able to "get on with my life" and not feel I'm just in a holding patter...but then I have to look at this whole ordeal in a different light....
Yes the constant low level pain is always there, but hey, it hasn't stopped me from any of the activities (except snow skiiing ) that I want to do....things could be worse.
Yes I think my hair is starting to fall out but I've kept it longer than most who are on chemo and hey when it's out I don't have to worry about doing anything to it when I wake up in the morning, and it will eventually grow back.
And yes I would like to "get on" with my life, but if this cancer hadn't been found when it was, I may not have had a life to "get on with" you know, if you find yourself "getting down" about events that many times it seems you have no control over, just remember YOU DECIDE if the glass is half full or half empty.....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Enjoy getting comments back from everyone! I'm sure you are not surprised that I've not figured out how to send comments back to you either when you send blog comments, but we will all muddle through this.....bummer the cold weather and ice are back for excuse to stop your workouts though, either toughen up and brave the elements or move inside, where there's a will, there's a way!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So this was our last nice weather day.......hopefully all of you took advantage of this and did a little exercise outside......

Don't know if any of my step class people read this, but last night I taught my class for the first time since the surgery......I had to make sure none of them would make comments about my class being wimpy now, or that I've gotten "soft" just because of having cancer and surgery!

It's pretty awsome, I'm actually SORE! (sore glutes) It's pretty awsome being sore after a workout just because the workout was good and hard....much better than the soreness after a surgery! Now all of you know what that means.....we should all be greatful to be sore after a workout so now we won't complain any more RIGHT? (probably wrong...but it was worth a try).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So why is it the stuff that isn't supposed to cause any "pain" seems to cause more than the stuff that is supposed to? Oh well one of the mysteries of this whole ordeal. My left side has been really hurting all day, hurts to raise the left arm.

I'm sure this too will pass......nothing I can't handle.....

Sounds like winter weather is around the corner so many of you may need to bring that exercise indoors for a few days again.
Am continuing to do well.....if only I could sleep......anyway saw the reconstructive surgeon today. She was amazed and impressed with my healing, said she's never seen anyone heal so well. Just more proof that faith, friends, and exercise are the key to all of this!

Got my first "fill" with the temporary implants. I have to say when she brought out the needle and the syringe I about had a heart was bigger than any I've ever seen. She assured me that I was still numb, wouldn't feel it....she was right other than a "pin prick" I didn't feel anything but pressure, but I think she should have blindfolded me....A little more pain now than I I guess this part is "worth it!"

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It looks as though I have maybe averted the joint pain, bone soreness associated with the shot that I got a week ago Thursday. (Weeeee!) From what I understand this shot would stimulate white blood cell production, but if I already have enough white blood cells then my bones won't produce more and I won't be sore...this is good.....

So I hope everyone has been taking advantage of the good weather and getting some exercise in? I have so you certainly should be able excuses!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Genetic testing at Childrens today to see if I am a carrier of the BRc1 or BRc2 genes (these 2 genes destine a person to have cancer)....very interesting process, geneticist said I've got about a 20% chance of being a carrier. Makes no difference in my cancer treatment but makes a difference for the rest of my family and my offspring.

Am not feeling achy or sore bones and joints from my shot yet....hopefully this will continue, if it does that probably means my body has enough white blood cells. I may end up feeling (muscularly) sore from the 5 1/2 mile run today. You know fighting cancer is alot like running in Hidden Valley. You have uphills where it gets tough and you just have to shorten your stride, dig deep and get to the top without giving know you can do it because at the top there will be the very worst, followed by a downhill where you can recoup your strength and get ready for the next both the important thing is to "just do it"! No matter how hardor slow it is to get to the top,you'll never make it if you give up and stop!

Some have asked for my e mail address

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

BIG steps forward today! Feeling great! I even ran 5 miles this morning! Was it sprinkling? Yes, Was it slower than my normal pace Yes, Could I charge up the hills. No Do I care about these I don't....this is hopefully one step closer to Normalcy. We shall see if I get achy, sore and fatigued from the shot I had to get the day after chemo (it is to cause my bones to produce more white blood cells) the nurse said these symptoms would occur in about 1 week (that will be Thursday).
Irregrdless, I am thankful for the days I feel good......

Monday, February 9, 2009

WOW what a difference a day makes....Sunday evening was the worst, Monday have felt fine all day once the morning was over....hopefully all good from here until the next chemo Feb 25. All of you caught up a day on me today working out, I'll have to catch back up tomorrow.....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Up and down Roller Coaster......Feeling pretty decent after chemo considering.....Sun. evening was probably the worst.....feeling like I have the flu......could be worse I imagine. Hopefully Monday will feel better. Hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the awsome weather!

Friday, February 6, 2009 up and down roller coaster, tired and nauscious last night, nauscious this morning, took a "magic pill" worked out 30 min. later for an hour ..l felt great (exercise must be medicine.)...until about 2:00 when I got very tired went to sleep and woke up nauscious again......Oh well could be worse right!

Hopefully things will improve from here....
Day after chemo.....Well I have felt better, but I guess I've felt worse. Last night I layed down on the bed at 9:00 thinking I would get back up and ended up "passing out " and not waking up untill 12:30 am......guess I was tired. up this morning at 6:30. Yes...I willl try to work out this may be an easy you know exercise IS medicine, we shall see if it's the right medicine.

Once again,,,I'm working out this morning (maybe easy) if you're not planning on it what's your excuse? Needs to be better than mine!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

OK so I messed up the chemo start date, it will start tomorrow, not Friday. It will actually be once every three weeks for six weeks total, after this there will be two other chemo's andthen radiation.....
I got to feel really good for one day! (today). I did go the HVL fitness Center today got a great workout, and started some upper body weights....not alot of weight, but even very light chest presses. I haven't lost alot of strength on my rows, one arm rows, and triceps....obviously all the front muscles are very weak.......oh well, as long as the chemo doesn't put me down, I'll slowly build back......

Monday, February 2, 2009

Two steps forward, one step back......I have a feeling that will be how things go for quite awhile. HAd the port put in to start chemo on Friday. Anesthetic is wearing off.....I think I know what a broken collar bone feels like now....Right arm is feeling useless.....I'm sure this will bounce back quickly....good thing I did my upper body workout today since that shoulder arm may be a little sore tomorrow.

More importantly I have a great idea for "workout" "do rags/kercheifs" from the anesthesiologist who was at my surgery. He had some very cool "headgear. that he gave me patterns for. Since my mother sews, I'm thinking she can do some quick easy sewing....
Will keep you all up to date.....

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hope everyone has dug themselves out of the ice. So Sunday is supposed to be in the high 30's, low 40's....a perfect time for some of you to get out and excuses....if I can do it, surely you can....

Friday, January 30, 2009

Appointment with the reconst. surgeon went great today....asked her what I could do now....she must know me and turned it around to ask "And so you tell me what you have been doing." Anyway she approved of what I was doing, one more week of being careful lifting arms above my head, running not too far off in the long as chemo. cooperates.

For everyone's info the Susan Koman Cancer Walk/Run is in September (I think) so we might need to have a large contingent for that.....

If you want to contact me but don't know how to comment on here my e-mail is

Also my cell phone died yeterday, I can hear you, but you can't hear me looking for an old Verizon that someone isn't using anymore to just get my number transferred over so I'm limited for a few days to my home # and e-mail....Laura

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello all from the snowy/icy hills of Lawrenceburg. Thank Goodness for all of you and friends that get us out when I can't drive. Actually under "normal" conditions I can drive locally but a little nervous about driving when I can only use my arms halfway. Not alot of "new" news, pain is still mild, disability still mild.....FOR THOSE OF YOU NOT EXERCISING YET YOU SERIOUSLY BETTER GET GOING, I THINK I'M CLOSING IN ON YOU! I have improvised some upper body work such as horizontal rows and horizontal biceps curls using tubing. AND IF YOU AREN'T DOING SOME OF THIS WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE? Now days I don't accept many.
Again, if you can't answer back to me on the blog feel free to just e-mail me...I don't know how to answer back either.....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hope everyone survived the snow...gave me a chance to play Alex (10 yr. old) on Wii baseball,bowling, and golf....he handily beat me in baseball and bowling but I came out the champion isn golf (2 over par)......Anyway, I am looking at headgear for when chemo starts, Guess my "haiestyle" will change....I have not found anything yet that suits me for when I'm working out. Suppose I can just get a mesh Lance Armstrong hat and wear it, but I've got some awsome ideas like baseball type hats or bandana syyle kercheifs, and singlets,cycling jersies,T-shirts, made from sweat wicking materials with slogans such as:
"Running Cancer Down"(runners)
"Beating Cancer one step at a time"(walkers)
"Running cancer into the ground" (runners)
"Spinning my wheels to beat cancer" (cyclists/spinners)
Now all I need is a way to manufacture and produce wondering if I'm the only crazy person to be fighting through this chemo, cancer,radiation by exercising when I'm able.....maybe/maybe not.....anybody have any thoughts on this? Just curious....I think I've got this whole cancer ordeal to start inspiring others to fight their (many) battles harder,stronger, and with perserverence....will have to think of ways to do this....

Monday, January 26, 2009

thanks Jackie its been so long since I've seen you.....keep the positive energy coming......I can use it all
By the way just like many of you can;t figure out how to post comments, I can't figure out how to individually send you comments so feel free to e-mail as well....
Soooo.... here we go Round 2. Score: Round 1 surgery, Laura wins in a landslide, kept me down for six days, started working out (easy at first) the seventh day. Cancer on both sides threw curve balls, but we will learn how to hit them!
Now Round 2 begins. Will have the port for chemo put in Monday at 1:30. Wed will have an echocardiogram (always wondered what my heart looked like and how it functioned now I guess I get to find out)(intersted to find its ejection fraction), Friday Chemo starts......So......let the second battle begin, only hope it is as"easy" as the first.....Yes there's some pain and soreness, no I don't pop up out of bed as quickly, and I feel like both triceps have burned skin all the way from my shoulders to my elbows but hey, if this is it, I can deal with it.....Thanks for everyne continued support!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

another good day...another good workout...all of you who haven't started yet, you better get started.....don't let me pass you up....several people have had a hard time commenting back on the blog...don't know how to help you just feel free to e-mail me responses....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Today is a GOOD my drains out. Still quite sore in my arms,chest,Lats. But nothing different than serious after workout pain.....its just not going away as fast. THe Reconstructive Surgeon OK'd my workouts increasing a little still obviously upper body is off limits......All of you not exercising yet lets get started, I'm going to soon pass you....

Thursday, January 22, 2009 many of you have been asking what the Oncologist had to say tonight......WOW is about all I can say...WOW again because had I known how "serious" things were when I went into all of this I just don't know if I would have been able to handle it all...small pieces at a here it is, much different than evenI knew till tonight:
On the right (which is the one I and the Surgeon thought was a stage IIA, was actually Stage III 3 out of 4 axillary lymph nodes were positive for carcinoma (size ranging from .2-.5 mm) Dr Cody (ONCOLOGIST) said this was the most aggressive and concerning. So radiation needed to kill any chance cancer spread to other lymphs
Left (the one I thought was worse Stage IIB) extensive lobular carcinoma in all quadrants all the way up to the axillary tail and lymph nodeBUT the lymph nodes were negative for malignancy (This is most likely why my left pec was tight at the insertion and I couldn't figure out why)...the cancer was taking up room, it was greater than 5 cm in expanse.......Anyway good news was all 14 lymphs were negative for malignancy...problem here is because the cancer was so close to the muscle, they will need to do radiation here to make sure it didn't spread, this cancer however was less aggressive......
So what now? We fight this tooth and nail...we take no prisoners!
Dr. Cody wants to get on this AGGRESSIVELY Will start hopefully in 2 weeks first round of chemotherapy This will last approx. 6 weeks. This will be followed by a second round, then a third round....finally followed by radiation on both sides. (I really can't remember how many weeks each will take but musch longer than I had imagined)
To my clients.....I am not sure how all of htis will affect me, I'll see how I do with the first chemo, and we'll se what happens from there......I am sorry I may not be back as soon as I thought....I'll let you know a timetable when I know it (Dr. Cody told us, I've just forgotten)
Good news is he does want me to continue working out (I actually did my first one this morning easy hour on the eliptical, lower body wts,abs)....figured one week was long enough for "healing from once is everyone's chance to catch up with me.....
In all seriousness please keep those prayers, positive thoughts, and support coming beleive me I couldn't do this without all of you!
I found out yesterday that I will need both chemotherapy and radiation. Have an appointment today at 1:00 with Dr. Cody, he;s supposed to be the best around, progressive and cutting edge....lets hope for the best and I will post what I find out once I'm back

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What a birthday present for me.......I get to have both chemo, and radiation and the margins on my left may be "negative" which from what I could gather isn't good.......Once I get a fax or statement in the mail (from the surgeon) of exactly what was found I know I'll be able to cope better but right now it looks like my "Fight" has only begun and this surgery was just the warm up.....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pain is getting less and less every day......just like DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness for those of you who are non worker outers) getting antsy to get started doing something.....the Doc said I could start lower body stretching and abdominal tilts so I guess I'll be satisfied with that for now....As for all of you if you aren't doing any form of exercise about using this as your springboard? You can start with me, just start out doing some stretching and abdominal (pelvic) tilts!!!!!Come on there's not a better time than the present!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

sleeping all the time

I can't beleive how much I'm sleeping, sleep 10 hrs at night, get up eat breakfast, wuwally taking a nap again by 11:00....pretty soon one of you is going to tell me to get off my lazy butt and do something....Now is your time to catch up with me doing your workouts.......because when I start again, I will show no mercy!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day after surgery

Day after surgery...I feel like I've just had the most intense upper body workout in my life, my chest,arms and biceps insertions by my elbows are sore...doc really doesn't know why the bicep insertions are sore. She was, however, very impressed with the size of my pecs. Said they were over 1/2 inch thick where most womens ar 1/8 of an inch....she said this will be good for everything to attach.
The surgery took about 1 1/2 hours more than expected, they had to do a different surgical technique due to where one of the cancers was located....she said it was right next to the skinsince I didn't have any fat. (yes I have had many offers of fat donations) anyway apparently she had to take some skin to get good margins. She said she did this in hopes of preventing the need for radiation, etc. We won't find this out until Mon or Tuesday. So if I have some be it....Just want to incinerate the cancer and get it out. She had to take some lymph nodes on each side as well.
I'm actually doing pretty decently now walking around, getting up and down by myself, doin some lower body stretching and abdominal's so odd not doing my morning workout....I will be antsy to start that ASAP......Three CHEERS FOR BETTER LIFE THROUGH NARCOTICS!

Monday, January 5, 2009

trying this

This is pretty high tech for me but if it works I suppose It will be cool