Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just got back from "mini-vacation" for Spring Break. Lots of hiking in Turkey Run State PArk...the only "Turkeys" I saw running were Dustin Alex, and Alex's friend Dylan.....they got their legs "hiked off" they are probably wishing mom and dad had a little less energy! very neat trails there though!
Keep thinking bout a year ago compared to now....we were hiking in a different park one year ago....I probably had a little less energy however was still hiking and still running on the trails, just like this year...the main diference was one year ago we awere all much more uncertain about the, however, the fusture is much clearer!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

So I've found out that it takes a year for the body to recover from chemo etc......numbness in fingers seems to be starting to go away, fingernails are almost back to normal, hair is getting longer! Even though I went through so much it's still hard to beleive I had to go through it at all! Still reminders obviously that I did.....but they are becoming less and less....will be starting to do more "community" stuff now that I have a little more time.....what a long.....strange trip it's been......

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hope everyone is looking forward to spring weather...thrilled I got to go skiing one last time before end of season! Ran today and actually felt "somewhat" stronger than I have since starting again after surgeries.....tough road back but I'm sure I'll make it....7 more weeks of school left for me! So far a 4.0 this semester!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Saw the Oncologist yesterday....had blood work done from what they said no news is good news so hopefully no news is what I'll get. Will be on the arimidex for 5 yrs...ugh! at $395 a month that will be a killer. At least this year we will soon meet our deductable. Said the numbness in my fingertips may still go away, have to give things a year before you can know for sure......getting ready to thunderstorm, better get of the computer!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Got released "officially" yesterday...healing is complete, just alot of scar tissue to work won't let me get full ROM, but hopefully can get that back....lymphedema in both arms now, but its not terrible, not stopping me from doing anything.

School is almost over! Got 100% on everything all practical exams, lowest grade was a 94% two more midterms left onThursday....starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! Am starting to have more time to "be involved" with some cancer support/ awareness stuff. Will be a keynote speaker at an event in May, and will be speaking at a group either in April or have a article published.....this glass is definitely more than half full....not near empty!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

3 day lab finished, once again a day early! nice to have Sunday to relax after. Everyone in the clas is ready to see tests end but it has been quite an experience for all. See Dr. tomorrow, will probably get the OK for everything. Will see the Oncologist this week as well......

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Busy with school....midterm tests this weekend......Think I'm all healed up now, will probably have all restrictions lifted next week..YEAH....will get "back in shape " .... Hoping to ski just once more next week weather permitting.....