Sunday, June 28, 2009

BUSY...BUSY......BUSY......Chemos are making me "hyper" the night after can't sleep at all but can't think or study either....not a good combo! Other than that so far so good.....will find out more about the underarmour thing I guess this week......

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Having a harder time finding time now for the blog...will do my best to keep up.......OK am pretty much "done" with this whole cancer thing.....what do I mean....OK I am convinced I have it beat and all of this chemo and the radiation I'm going to have are just "icing on the cake", right! Have started an accelerated Physical Therapy license program two yrs of schooling in 11-14 months....I will have no life other than books for quite awhile.....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chemo again tomorrow....hopefully it will take less time, and there will be minimal side effects like last time!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hope everyone is taking advantage of this awsome exercise weather! Was very tired Friday night after a full day and Thursday chemo slept 10 hours but woke up Saturday to an 18 mile bike ride!
PA said this chemo may be cumulative so have to take advantage of feeling good when I can!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

First chemo od the new series far so good, was a stroke judge at a swim meet immediately after, will see how I feel tomorrow.....

Got some big news on another fron....I've been admitted into the ATC-PTA bridge program at Kent State Astabula which means I'll be able to sit for PTA license in about 1 year. Frankly irritates me I have to do this, but the way the health care lobbyists and laws are I frankly can't get a decent job without this license....if only I had been able to foretell the future 20 yrs. if anyone has any ideas of "older woman" scholarships, financial assistance, how I can get them to give me reciprocity so I don't have to pay out of state tuition let me know.....hope this is worth it....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So I guess most of you by now saw the interview on TV. All in all I didn't sound unitelligent, and didn't look too bad (although I agree T.V. does add 10 lbs.....I am not quite that "bulky" as I looked). Anyway I am a little dissapointed that they didn't include any of my message about the importance of proper nutrition, keeping the body in an alkaline state, the need for water, etc, oh well. can't have everything.

A huge thank you to Laura and Shane Sweat for the use of their awsome training facility they own the sweattshop right off Cornell Rd. in Blue Ash. go to their web site for more info!

If anyone is reading this and has gone through surgery, cancer, etc. and would like more info, help with exercise, or words of encouragement feel free to let me know. After all we are all in this together!

New chemo tomorrow, hope it goes OK.....

Monday, June 8, 2009

sooooo....rode about 20 miles both Saturday and Sunday, the great weather was too much to miss. Hope you did something.

Anyone see the ch 19 news? Its on again between 8:30-9 and sometime on the 10:00 news. Seemed prettty decent, although they didn't include anything about the nutrition part that I talked about for a good 5 min (I thought the reasons for keeping your body in an alkaline state and how raw veggies and water do thatbiologically was pretty interesting...guess they didn't), but all in all not bad.....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Could we ask for more perfect weather for exercising outside? I don't think so! Get your shoes on and go for a walk...or hike...or bike.....there's never been a better time thatn today to get started.....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hello all...think I got the ch 19 times slightly wrong,it will be this Monday 6:30-7 am then again 8:30-9 am, then 10:00 news sometime.....Hopefully it will be edited so that any who see it will realize that no matter what they are facing they can do things themselves to make things better, even if its just a little bit, that nutrition is vital in this whole process, and that all women are at risk for breast cancer, even if they do all the right things just because they are women, but doing all the right stuff will make them stronger to fight it if they get it......

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The 24 hour walk for inspiring, yet touching this was....once again you think you've got it can always find people with stories much worse than your own.

As my younger son Alex and I walked the survivor/caregiver lap he announced it would take alot more than cancer to bring his mom down....and he is RIGHT! So the fight goes on....

On a more positive note, channel 19 in Cinci interviewed me today, they also interviewed the reconstructive surgeon. Am not sure how it will be edited, how I will sound, or look...hopefully I will sound somewhat intelligent, and look halfway decent . It will air this coming Monday from 7-7:30 am, again between 8-8:30 am, then again on the 10:00 news.....hopefully there will be some people out there inspired that they can do more than they ever thought possible, and there will be a little education as well.....we'll see what gets edited.....